The team of researchers from the University of Warwick in England say, broccoli has an important substance that is able to repair and restore the function of blood vessels damaged by diabetes or diabetes.
Sulforaphane in broccoli substances believed to have a big role in restoring the blood vessels. Journal of Diabetes mention, sulforaphane can stimulate the production of enzymes that serve to protect the blood vessels and reducing the molecules cause damage to cells.
In his research, the research team tested the effect of sulforaphane in blood vessel cells damaged by high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia), which is closely related to diabetes. They noted a 73 percent reduction of molecules in the body called Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). Hyperglycaemia can cause levels of ROS to increase three-fold and high levels of these molecules can damage body cells.
Researchers also found that sulforaphane activated a protein in the body called nrf2, which protects cells and tissues from damage by activating protective antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes.
The risk of diabetes up to five times greater for cardiovascular disease such as heart attack and stroke. Both these diseases caused by damage to blood vessel cells.
Substance sulforaphane in broccoli may help block the process associated with the development of vascular disease in diabetes.
Broccoli included in brassica vegetables. In addition to broccoli, which were included in brassica vegetables is cauliflower and green cabbage.
To get the benefits of broccoli, you should pay attention to how the treatment. The best way to consume broccoli is steaming, sauteing, or baking it in the microwave in a short time. Boil broccoli could eliminate up to 70 percent of their nutritional content.
Broccoli storage method must also be addressed. Do not store broccoli in the freezer, because of their nutritional content will be destroyed when the broccoli in the process of softening after freezing in the freezer.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Broccoli Drugs for Diabetes Patients
Drugs for Diabetes
Friday, September 17, 2010
Lower Carbohydrate Consumption Weight Loss
FOR many people tend to avoid carbohydrates when trying to lose weight. In fact, eating the right carbohydrates instead become one of the key to reaching your ideal weight.According to some experts the diet, the carbohydrate that can help a resistant starch (RS). Carbohydrates are classified as three types of fibers. This is because the RS contains some of the benefits of soluble fiber and some benefits of insoluble fiber. This type of carbohydrate contained in the fiber from whole grains or legumes, whole grains whole (not processed), uncooked potato, green banana flour, and high-amylose corn. In addition, RS also formed when starchy foods are cooked and cooled, such as bread and cornflakes.
Resistent starch, can help you reduce your body's intake of calories, burn more calories, increase energy, reduce stress and lower cholesterol. In a study from the University of Surrey, England, participants who ate RS consume 10 percent fewer calories (equivalent to 150 to 200 calories) in the next day, because the participants claimed to decrease hunger. Fiber and RS makes pasrtisipan feel full and satisfied. In addition, these special carbohydrates also increase the hormone levels of satisfaction. These hormones send messages to the brain satiety and metabolism speed up.
Preventing DiabetesAppropriate mixture of carbohydrates is the best way to control blood sugar and prevent diabetes. Studies of the Beltsville Human Nutrition Center at the USDA found that participants who consumed a diet rich in high-RS diet could lower blood sugar levels after meals and insulin responses to 38 percent. For that, consume carbohydrates that you want, but the match so it does not increase blood sugar levels. Instead of eating white rice, brown rice tukarlah with and match with peas, corn or other RS-rich foods.
RS-rich carbohydrates work to accelerate metabolism and burn body fat. As hospitals move through the digestive tract, it releases fatty acids carbohydrates that promote fat burning, especially in the abdominal area. In addition, these fatty acids help maintain muscle mass (which serves to accelerate your metabolism and lose weight more quickly).For this reason, carbs help you lose belly fat faster than other foods, even when you consume the same number of calories. When researchers fed rats with diets rich in RS, these foods increase the activity of fat-burning enzymes and reduces the activity of enzymes of fat storage. This means that belly fat cells absorb the risk is smaller and store calories as fat.
by dilla
how the quality of your sleep?
After a day of activism, sleep is one powerful way to re-collect the body's energy. But that does not mean getting out of bed that long will just make your body feel fresh.Sometimes the body just felt weak. If you feel these symptoms, it means that there is something wrong with your sleep less in other words, you sleep less quality.
Sleep when you have been sleepy, so you will easily fall asleep. Do not exercise before bed, because the muscles of the body and heart to work faster so that makes you sleepy will be difficult.Also avoid serious activity that spurs the brain to think hard, such as reading books or watching television. TV programs can disrupt the pineal gland in the brain that may cause difficulty sleeping. Similarly, if you want to read the book, read a book with content that "mild".
Do not consume coffee or tea before bed. Both contain caffeine which can stimulate blood circulation and has a long-lasting stimulating effects on the nervous system so that it will hamper your sleep. Also avoid alcohol consumption because it can make you wake up and have trouble falling asleep again.Sleep with the room in dark conditions. Because the light that your eyes can disrupt circadian rhythm of pineal gland melatonin and serotonin production as well. Quality of sleep you can stay awake by turning off room lights. If not comfortable with the darkness, you can use dim lights or blinkers.Hopefully some of these tips can be useful to improve sleep quality are beneficial for your health.
by dilla
Quality of your sleep
Lavender Aromatherapy Increase Concentration
DID you know when lavender aromatherapy can enhance children's learning ability of concentration. These fragrances can boost cognitive performance was someone, like dikatakab researchers from the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Barii Hafidh Pramono.
Therapy using lavender essential oil can affect mood becomes calm, increase alertness, the ability to concentrate, even reduce the anxiety a person.Lavender aromatherapy is able to increase alpha wave activity which is a marker of a person in a state of calm, can stimulate the brain, and build concentration.
"Engineering application of aromatherapy can be done on the learning process both at home and school. It was done in order to increase the concentration of student learning and reduce anxiety when faced with a national exam," said Barii.
He cited, lavender aromatherapy applications can be done by putting the four pots of lavender flowers in every corner of the classroom or home environment or student rooms.Therapy can also be done with the evaporation technique is also a room fragrances, the system is currently used trend, ie automatic room fragrances, which can be placed in the room.
"The smells will be forwarded smell arrested nerves of the central nervous then arises a sense of calm so that students can study in peace and concentrate," he explained.Now, after knowing its benefits, you do not immediately want to implement it? Good luck!
by dilla
Lavender Aromatherapy
Apiterapi, sting and the Honey Bees
Letter mentioned in the Koran An Nahl verses 68-69, in honey bees there is healing for mankind. Derivative products produced by bees there are 13 pieces, including honey, propolis, royal jelly, pollen, bee venom, beeswax, honey, hive, bee bread, bee larvae, and phedra.Words aphitherapy (apiterapi) is the Latin fusion, Aphis means bees and therapy, medication. Apiterapi defined as a complementary treatment for the purpose of preventive, curative, and rehabilitation of using bees and its derivatives.
Thousand YearsThe use of honey bees to health, says Dr. Adji Suranto, Sp.A, from the Indonesian Doctors Association of Traditional Health East Developer (PDPKT) DKI Jakarta, has been known for thousands of years ago. Painting coral stone age (6000 BC) shows honey hunting activities.The earliest evidence for the use of honey to cure skin infections and wounds, ulcers, eye disease and ear, written in the Samaritan nation ceramics (2000 BC). The Ebers Papyrus (1550 BC) recorded the honey recipes for external use, namely for the treatment of baldness, burns, abscesses, and pain relief.
Honey is also used to heal the wounds after surgery, including circumcision, suppositories, reduce inflammation and relieve stiff joints. Until 1990, cotton soaked in lemon juice and honey is still used as a contraceptive.The use of bee sting therapy for joint pain and arthritis has long been done by the Greeks. Vanguard is the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates.Year 1888, Dr. Philip Tere from France investigated the relationship between bee stings and rheumatism. Previously, in 1864, Prof.. Libowsky reported cure patients who suffer from rheumatism and neuralgia after treated with bee stings.
Treatment using the sting (can) bees known as apipuntur. Apipuntur, said Dr. Adji, is part of apiterapi. Apipuntur use and methods of bee venom acupuncture. Therapy for this type of bee Apis mellifera and Apis Cerana. Apipuntur itself is part of apiterapi.Bee sting or poison is very good to normalize all the activities of the blood vessels and nerves. "The results showed that the bee sting contains melitin, apamin, peptide 401 (MDC), protease inhibitors, and norepinephrine," said a doctor who studied complementary medicine since 1999.
Apiterapi generally used to relieve rheumatic disorders, colds, flu, false tendons, to serious illnesses, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer. This method was claimed to be effective for treating degenerative diseases, such as stroke.CombinationIn practice apipuntur, told Dr. Adji, bee stings are inserted into the body done in two ways, namely, direct (direct bee sting) and by injection containing the poison bees. "Poison bees taken from a person of pure antibodies have often been stung by bees," he said.
The number of shocks depends on the type of disease. However, one shock at certain points deemed sufficient as an introduction. "In the next therapy, these points were stung again, but no more than 10 stings," said the man was a child.Bee stings are reacting in the body characterized by abnormalities in character for a moment that individual. The reaction of different patients, whether previously been stung by bees or not.Usually patients will experience local and systemic reactions. Characteristics of the local reaction was swelling around the sting site, clinical symptoms of itching, pain, and stiffness. Systemic reactions include fever, lethargy, ears ringing, and dizziness.
According to Dr. Adji, when the reactions occurred in patients who are sensitive, replaced with an antihistamine drug administration for 10 days. Next new don'ts apiterapi again. The above conditions, the doctor says this 1988 graduate of Faculty of medicine, is natural because the bees were reacting toxins in the body. Like when we immunized.To counteract these conditions, he advocated the consumption of honey and apply ointment on the part of the swelling and itching. Therefore, bee sting therapy will be more effective when combined with the provision of honey, propolis, pollen, or royal jelly.
Although combined, not all types of diseases can be cured with the same therapy. For example, for diabetes, additional therapy is used as pollen and propolis. For cataract disorder, other than a bee sting, the therapy in the form of eye drops of honey and honey bees trigona.For rheumatic disorders, there are two points that stung, the local point where the sick and systemic point, namely acupuncture points zusanli (bercekung area below the knee). In addition to the sting at point of consumption plus royal jelly, propolis, and citosan.
Apipuntur therapy performed in 12 meetings."Usually on the first visit which was stung by just one point. The next day plus one point another shock. And so on. Shock duration between 10-15 minutes. After that could be repeated again, "he said.Utilization apipuntur, added Dr. Adji, is determined by the type of disease, patient age, and kontraindikasinya. Pregnant women, infants, children, and elderly people are discouraged from undergoing this therapy.Want to try?
by dilla
Honey Bees
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Dangers of Drinking Ice After Exercising

Habit of drinking ice after exercise is very refreshing. But, who would have thought if the habit could damage the body's metabolism. Consciously or not, many of us often after exercise, immediately drink water or cold drinks that were given ice cubes into it or that have been stored in a refrigerator.
When drinking, it feels fresh. However, let thirst after exercise in this way is actually not true. This remark may interfere with metabolism. Not infrequently after drinking ice there is a feeling of nausea and dizziness, and decreased body temperature. The ideal temperature should drink a bit cold. The ideal temperature should drink a bit cold, about 5-10 degrees C. Because, at that temperature, the liquid is easily absorbed so that perspiration quickly replaced. Number of drinking water or beverages consumed must be in sufficient quantities, depending on the intensity of exercise, weather, and humidity. Drink before, during, and after exercise.
When exercising in the morning, drink water before you start exercising as much as 300 cc. When suffering from an ulcer, should be augmented by eating snacks, like crackers for instance. Also fixed a drink during exercise, in between time or rest breaks. For example when playing tennis, have a drink at the turn of sets. When you do physical exercises aerobics, take advantage of the short rest periods to drink. Similarly, when cycling. Is not there is usually a special place to put the bottle on the bike?
That should not be forgotten is to drink after exercise. Drink enough to approximately normal body temperature slightly. When you exercise long enough, between 1-2 hours, drink only water. However, if the exercise lasts more than 2 hours, it is recommended to drink sports drinks that contain sugar and minerals, like calcium, sodium, magnesium, chloride, and others. Because if you exercise long enough, a lot of minerals and sugar is wasted so that needs to be replaced again.
At the time of exercise in hot and humid air and lasts a long time (endurance sport) as long-distance cycling, marathon, triathlon, and others absolutely need to drink more. Drink sports drinks for minerals and sugar is always enough so it does not get tired.
One thing to note, at the time of exercise endurance, one does not need to wait until thirsty to drink just because it's usually too late. So despite not feeling thirsty and hungry, keep eating and drinking. Recommended drinks, water, sports drinks with sugar, say 5% that contains sufficient minerals. There are several types of beverages consumed after exercise is not recommended. Among them, alcoholic beverages because it causes diuresis, which stimulates spending urine. Similarly, beverages that contain caffeine because it also is diurektik as alcohol. Both these drinks are dangerous when taken in hot and humid weather, and during exercise endurance.

At the moment did not work out, someone else needs to drink enough, this condition should be taken on water only. Drinks were not hot and not too cold. Consumption of drinks also performed equally well in the morning, noon and night. Within a day, drinking water needs in healthy people is about 3-4 liters, depending on the environment-temperature and humidity. When the temperature is hot, especially when hot and humid, the body's fluid intake should also be added.
How Drinking Water is working?
Drinking water with the correct method to purify the human body. It renders the colon more effective by forming new blood, known in medical terms as aematopaises. That mucousal folds of the colon and intestines are activated by this method, an undeniable fact, like the theory that new fresh blood is produced by mucousal fold. If the colon is cleaned then the nutrients of the food you eat several times a day will be absorbed and to work mucousal fold, nutritional food is turned into fresh blood. The blood is all important in curing ailments and restoring health, and therefore the water should be consumed regularly.
When he was not exercising, and you want to do the freshness of the body by drinking water treatment should you do in the morning when you get up from sleep (without even brushing your teeth) drink 1.5 liters of water ie, 5 to 6 glasses. Better premeasure 1.5 liters.After that you can continue the activities of the other morning..Hal morning is very important to note that do not drink or eat anything an hour before and after drinking 1.5 liters of water. For starters, one may find it difficult to drink 1.5 liters of water at once, but will gradually get used to it. At first, when you exercise drink 4 glasses first and the remaining 2 cups drunk two minutes later. Initially you will urinate 2 to 3 times in one hour, but after a while, going back to normal.
Due Formalin In Food
This last month we were surprised again on news of food products found in this candy containing formalin. If this continues to happen, it will bring adverse effects to humans, especially children who consumed sweets containing formalin at a later date.
Formalin is a poison which is carcinogenic (causes cancer) and there is no safe level for formaldehyde when ingested matter how liquid. Efforts should be made continuous raids, for the guilty must be dealt of course with the punishment it deserves.
Formalin What is it?
Formalin was actually known as a preservative remedy for the body. Even now in the hospital environment is still used to preserve samples of tissue from the biopsy or sample taken during the operation immediately before the examination in a laboratory.
Actually formalin containing 37% formaldehyde in a solvent of water and usually also contain 10% methanol (solvent). Formalin has a characteristic colorless, odor hard and have specific gravity of 1.09 kg / l in the temperature of 20 degrees Celsius.
In the formalin is widely used as an antiparasitic drug. Formalin be effectively used to kill various kinds of parasites and bacteria attached to the ornamental fish.
Additionally, on farms sometimes that would have been diluted formalin is used as a disinfectant. Formalin solution that is used typically with a concentration 1 / 100 to 1 / 10000.

Formalin is prohibited for food
POM research shows that formaldehyde found in everyday foods we consume are wet noodles, salted fish and tofu. When they should be banned from use in food formalin because of adverse effects from use of these toxic substances.
The problem is not knowing the community during which the product contains formaldehyde which are not. Given the impact of the use of chronic use of formalin is highly dangerous and a new impact is felt in the future.
Again, protection measures must be taken immediately to the society. Stern action must also be taken of entrepreneurs who import food products that contain these toxic materials.
unannounced inspections constant should always be done to continue to consistently seek and find food and beverages that contain formalin for society free from the dangers of formaldehyde.
Impact of formaldehyde on humans
Formalin is a toxic substance and is very irritating to skin and eyes. Formalin for the human body is known as a toxic, carcinogenic (cancer causing), mutagenic (causing changes in cells, tissue), corrosive and irritating. Steam from formalin itself is very dangerous if inhaled by breathing and also very dangerous and irritating if ingested by humans.
To the eye, how cairpun formalin remains irritating. If until then the person must be swallowedimmediately drunk plenty of water and immediately asked to regurgitate stomach contents.
Bad for the health impact on a person exposed to formaldehyde may occur due to exposure to the ongoing acute or chronic exposure (many years), including headaches, chronic nasal inflammation (rhinitis), nausea, breathing problems either chronic cough or shortness of chronic breathing.
Formalin can also damage the nerves of the human body and are known as substances that are toxic toour body's nerve (neurotoxic). Disturbances in the neural form of insomnia, sensitive, easily forgotten,difficulty concentrating. In women will lead to menstrual disorders and infertility.
Formalin can also be absorbed by the skin and as mentioned above can also be inhaled by our breathing. Therefore, by direct contact with the substance without swallowing it also has to be bad for health.
Long-term Use of formaldehyde in humans can cause cancer of the mouth and throat. Even in animal studies to cause skin cancer and lung cancer.
So far there is information that says there is no safe level for formaldehyde is if ingested by humans. Once again, it is clear that this substance is very dangerous if exposed to the human body either direct contact, inhaled or swallowed.
Due Formalin In Food
Brain Child Feeding Intake
Want your child brilliant at school? Try to pay attention to the jelly nutritional needs them every day. In addition, it is worth also includes 10 species of the following best food. Food, dubbed "Brain Food" is believed to stimulate the growth of brain cells, improve function, improve memory and concentration to think of children.
1. Salmon
Fatty fish like salmon is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids - DHA and EPA - both essential for growth and development of brain function. Recent research also shows that people who earn more fatty acid intake has a sharper mind and recorded satisfactory results in testing capabilities. According to experts, although tuna contain omega-3 acids, but fish is not as rich as salmon.
2. Eggs
Eggs are known as an important source of protein which is relatively cheap and the price is quite affordable. Egg yolk was solid part will contain choline, a substance that can help the development of memory or memory.
3. Peanut butter
"Peanuts (peanut) and peanut butter are one source of vitamin E. This vitamin is an antioxidant that may protect nerve cell membranes. Together with thiamin, vitamin E helps the brain and nervous system in use glucose for energy needs.
4. Whole grains
The brain requires glucose supply or preparation of the body that are constant. Whole grains have the ability to support those needs. Fiber contained in whole grains may help regulate the release of glucose in the body. Wheat also contains vitamin B which serves to maintain nervous system health.
5. Oats / Oatmeal
Oats is one of the most popular types of cereals among children and rich in essential nutrients for the brain. Oats can provide the energy or fuel for the brain a much needed children's activities started in the morning. Rich in fiber, oats will keep your child's brain needs are met throughout the morning. Oats are also a source of vitamin E, vitamin B, potassium and zinc - which make the body and brain function to function at full capacity.
6. BerryStrawberry, cherry, blueberry and blackberry. In general, the stronger the color, the more nutrients at birth. Berries contain high levels of antioxidants, especially vitamin C, which is useful to prevent cancer.
Some research suggests those who get the blueberry and strawberry extracts improvement in the functioning of his memory. Seeds of these also turned out to Berri fruit rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
7. Nuts
Peanut is a special food because these foods have the energy derived from protein and complex carbohydrates. In addition, nuts are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Nuts are also good food for the brain because they can maintain the energy and thinking ability of children at its peak in the afternoon if consumed at lunchtime.
According to the research, red beans and pinto beans contain more omega-3 fatty origin than other types of nuts - especially ALA - omega-3 type of origin is important for growth and brain function.
8. Colorful vegetables
Tomatoes, red sweet potato, pumpkin, carrots, spinach is a rich vegetable source of nutrients and antioxidants that will keep brain cells strong and healthy.
9. Milk and Yogurt
Foods derived from dairy products containing high protein and B vitamins. Two types of nutrients is essential for the growth of brain tissue, neurotransmitters and enzymes. Milk and yogurt also can make a full stomach because the content of protein and carbohydrate as well as a source of energy for the brain.
Recent research indicates that children and teenagers need more vitamin D even 10 times the recommended dose. Vitamin D is a vitamin that is also important for muscle and nervous system life cycle of human cells as a whole.
10. Lean beef
Iron is an essential mineral that helps the children stay energized and concentrate at school. Lean beef is one source of foods high in iron. With only consume 1 ounce per day, then your body will be helpful for the absorption of iron from other sources.. Beef also contains zinc to help maintain memory.
Especially for the vegetarians, you can use black beans and soy burgers as an option. Nuts are an important source of iron. type of iron that requires vitamin C for the absorption by the body. Eating tomatoes, orange juice, strawberries and nuts can also be selected as an effort to meet the need of iron.
1. Salmon
Fatty fish like salmon is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids - DHA and EPA - both essential for growth and development of brain function. Recent research also shows that people who earn more fatty acid intake has a sharper mind and recorded satisfactory results in testing capabilities. According to experts, although tuna contain omega-3 acids, but fish is not as rich as salmon.
2. Eggs
Eggs are known as an important source of protein which is relatively cheap and the price is quite affordable. Egg yolk was solid part will contain choline, a substance that can help the development of memory or memory.
3. Peanut butter
"Peanuts (peanut) and peanut butter are one source of vitamin E. This vitamin is an antioxidant that may protect nerve cell membranes. Together with thiamin, vitamin E helps the brain and nervous system in use glucose for energy needs.
4. Whole grains
The brain requires glucose supply or preparation of the body that are constant. Whole grains have the ability to support those needs. Fiber contained in whole grains may help regulate the release of glucose in the body. Wheat also contains vitamin B which serves to maintain nervous system health.
5. Oats / Oatmeal
Oats is one of the most popular types of cereals among children and rich in essential nutrients for the brain. Oats can provide the energy or fuel for the brain a much needed children's activities started in the morning. Rich in fiber, oats will keep your child's brain needs are met throughout the morning. Oats are also a source of vitamin E, vitamin B, potassium and zinc - which make the body and brain function to function at full capacity.
6. BerryStrawberry, cherry, blueberry and blackberry. In general, the stronger the color, the more nutrients at birth. Berries contain high levels of antioxidants, especially vitamin C, which is useful to prevent cancer.
Some research suggests those who get the blueberry and strawberry extracts improvement in the functioning of his memory. Seeds of these also turned out to Berri fruit rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
7. Nuts
Peanut is a special food because these foods have the energy derived from protein and complex carbohydrates. In addition, nuts are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Nuts are also good food for the brain because they can maintain the energy and thinking ability of children at its peak in the afternoon if consumed at lunchtime.
According to the research, red beans and pinto beans contain more omega-3 fatty origin than other types of nuts - especially ALA - omega-3 type of origin is important for growth and brain function.
8. Colorful vegetables
Tomatoes, red sweet potato, pumpkin, carrots, spinach is a rich vegetable source of nutrients and antioxidants that will keep brain cells strong and healthy.
9. Milk and Yogurt
Foods derived from dairy products containing high protein and B vitamins. Two types of nutrients is essential for the growth of brain tissue, neurotransmitters and enzymes. Milk and yogurt also can make a full stomach because the content of protein and carbohydrate as well as a source of energy for the brain.
Recent research indicates that children and teenagers need more vitamin D even 10 times the recommended dose. Vitamin D is a vitamin that is also important for muscle and nervous system life cycle of human cells as a whole.
10. Lean beef
Iron is an essential mineral that helps the children stay energized and concentrate at school. Lean beef is one source of foods high in iron. With only consume 1 ounce per day, then your body will be helpful for the absorption of iron from other sources.. Beef also contains zinc to help maintain memory.
Especially for the vegetarians, you can use black beans and soy burgers as an option. Nuts are an important source of iron. type of iron that requires vitamin C for the absorption by the body. Eating tomatoes, orange juice, strawberries and nuts can also be selected as an effort to meet the need of iron.
Brain Child Feeding Intake
How To Easily Obtain Iron
Research shows about 89 percent of women consume less iron than the recommended amount.
Lack of iron will make a person stricken with anemia or anemia, so easily tired, easily forgotten and pale. Actually, there is an easy way to get it. Here is how to easily obtain iron:
1. Drink a glass of orange juice before eating green vegetables rich in iron, and you will get three times more iron.
2. Avoid drinking tea and coffee during meals, because the tannin and caffeine will interfere with the absorption of iron. You can replace it with green tea or herbal tea instead.
3. Red meat, bread wheat, beans, cereals, and green vegetables are rich food sources of iron. So, eat a lot.
Lack of iron will make a person stricken with anemia or anemia, so easily tired, easily forgotten and pale. Actually, there is an easy way to get it. Here is how to easily obtain iron:
1. Drink a glass of orange juice before eating green vegetables rich in iron, and you will get three times more iron.
2. Avoid drinking tea and coffee during meals, because the tannin and caffeine will interfere with the absorption of iron. You can replace it with green tea or herbal tea instead.
3. Red meat, bread wheat, beans, cereals, and green vegetables are rich food sources of iron. So, eat a lot.
How To Easily Obtain Iron
Errors In Beauty Care
Sometimes, you feel do all beauty treatments correctly. However, often, there are some common mistakes women in beauty treatments. Anything?
1. Model haircuts monotonous
Of course, maintaining the model haircuts over the years was inappropriate. Instead, do a small change in your hairstyle for a fresh appearance as a whole.
2. Sleep deprivation
Sleep is very important for the skin. During sleep, the enzymes repair work to repair damage, reduce toxins and distributes nutrients to the body's cells.
3. Too avoid fat
Lack of dietary fat can cause the skin to become dry, scaly, and hair branching. You can eat vegetable fat to get beautiful skin without sacrificing your body shape.
4. Forgot exercise
Sports not only good for the body, but also makes the skin glow because of increased blood flow throughout the body, including skin.
5. Ignoring cosmetic hygiene
Brush or sponge powder that will pile up dirty germs on the face skin and cause acne. Clean 2 weeks using lukewarm water.
6. One use of cosmetics
The practice of using expired cosmetics, taking cosmetic with a finger, or put back the remaining excess cosmetics can cause acne and skin irritation. So, remove all the products that have changed color, texture and aroma. Try to touch the product by using cotton buds or cotton. Or pour a little into the palm of the hand, then applied to the face.
7. Sleeping without a clean makeup
Make up is not cleaned up can clog pores, cause acne, and irritation of the eye. Skin needs time to update the cells. But because of clogged pores, this process becomes blocked, thus making the skin becomes dull.
8. Long bath with hot water
Sounds like fun, but it can make the skin dry. Limit your bath time only for about 3 minutes with water temperature that was not too hot. Always use a moisturizer immediately after bathing to prevent skin dry.
9. Spraying perfume on wrist
If you wear a watch or bracelet, the fragrances will blend in with the scent of your accessories. Better, spray perfume on pulse points at the neck, because this region is warmer and will help spread the fragrance.
May be an asset to us all.
1. Model haircuts monotonous
Of course, maintaining the model haircuts over the years was inappropriate. Instead, do a small change in your hairstyle for a fresh appearance as a whole.
2. Sleep deprivation
Sleep is very important for the skin. During sleep, the enzymes repair work to repair damage, reduce toxins and distributes nutrients to the body's cells.
3. Too avoid fat
Lack of dietary fat can cause the skin to become dry, scaly, and hair branching. You can eat vegetable fat to get beautiful skin without sacrificing your body shape.
4. Forgot exercise
Sports not only good for the body, but also makes the skin glow because of increased blood flow throughout the body, including skin.
5. Ignoring cosmetic hygiene
Brush or sponge powder that will pile up dirty germs on the face skin and cause acne. Clean 2 weeks using lukewarm water.
6. One use of cosmetics
The practice of using expired cosmetics, taking cosmetic with a finger, or put back the remaining excess cosmetics can cause acne and skin irritation. So, remove all the products that have changed color, texture and aroma. Try to touch the product by using cotton buds or cotton. Or pour a little into the palm of the hand, then applied to the face.
7. Sleeping without a clean makeup
Make up is not cleaned up can clog pores, cause acne, and irritation of the eye. Skin needs time to update the cells. But because of clogged pores, this process becomes blocked, thus making the skin becomes dull.
8. Long bath with hot water
Sounds like fun, but it can make the skin dry. Limit your bath time only for about 3 minutes with water temperature that was not too hot. Always use a moisturizer immediately after bathing to prevent skin dry.
9. Spraying perfume on wrist
If you wear a watch or bracelet, the fragrances will blend in with the scent of your accessories. Better, spray perfume on pulse points at the neck, because this region is warmer and will help spread the fragrance.
May be an asset to us all.
Errors In Beauty Care
Know the Types and How to Treating Acne Quickly
What do you feel when red dots appear on the face? When the small shape is not yet too disturbing, but it is different if the acne is getting bigger and inflamed. Before you treat, you should first identify the types of acne the following:
Classical acne (common acne)
Looks easy to spot the tiny pink bumps or redness. Common causes are stress, hormones and triggers the air clammy skin produces oils that become breeding grounds for bacteria. As a result of clogged pores due to infection with bacteria.
Prevention & Treatment
Use a facial soap that contains benzoyl-peroxida, or sulfur soap to kill the bacteria that cause acne.
* If the counter acne medication does not work, go to a dermatologist to get it checked once a prescription acne medication containing vitamin A derivatives like Retin-A.
* To reduce inflammation and kill bacteria, use acne medications containing benzoyl-peroxide.
* Ointments containing antibiotics drug like Garamicyn (can be purchased free) one of them, can be tried. This ointment could kill bacteria and reduce inflammation, swelling as well.
Cystic Acne (Pimples Stone / Acne Maize)
Great shape with great inflamed bumps, gathered in almost all areas of the face (different from ordinary acne that are found only in one part of the face). Acne sufferers are often lost confidence. Usually because of genetics, which has:
1. Oil glands are over-active 'flooding' the pores with oil.
2. The growth of skin cells that are not normal, can not regenerate as fast as normal skin.
3. Having an excessive response to inflammation, so leave a mark on the skin.
Prevention & Treatment
*'s Useless if you use drugs - counter acne medications as it will not be able to handle this type of acne. You should consult a dermatologist to treat it.
* For acne stone that only one-two, effective cure is to ask your dermatologist acne injected with cortisone, which makes acne is cured within 48 hours.
Acne blackheads is composed of two types. First, open comedones (blackhead) looks like an enlarged pores and black (the black one is a porous plug that changes color due to oxidation by air). Second, Blackheads are closed (whitehead), have skin that grows over the clogged pores so it looks like small white bumps under the skin.
Acne types of blackheads is caused by dead skin cells and excess oil glands in the skin. This occurs when you are not diligent in cleaning the skin so that dead skin cells accumulate and oil on the skin surface and then close the skin cells, then there was a blockage. Make up and styling products that contain oil can also aggravate the situation.
Prevention & Treatment
* Washing your face every morning and night with a cleanser containing salicylic-acid or AHA / BHA (to peel off dead skin cells) or facial scrub at least once a week.
* Use wax paper to absorb excess oil on the face.
* Routine to wear a mask for oily skin once a week.
* Eliminate blackheads with plaster pore strips that you can buy in the supermarket.
* To whiteheads, use acne medication containing salicylic-acid.
Classical acne (common acne)
Looks easy to spot the tiny pink bumps or redness. Common causes are stress, hormones and triggers the air clammy skin produces oils that become breeding grounds for bacteria. As a result of clogged pores due to infection with bacteria.
Prevention & Treatment
Use a facial soap that contains benzoyl-peroxida, or sulfur soap to kill the bacteria that cause acne.
* If the counter acne medication does not work, go to a dermatologist to get it checked once a prescription acne medication containing vitamin A derivatives like Retin-A.
* To reduce inflammation and kill bacteria, use acne medications containing benzoyl-peroxide.
* Ointments containing antibiotics drug like Garamicyn (can be purchased free) one of them, can be tried. This ointment could kill bacteria and reduce inflammation, swelling as well.
Cystic Acne (Pimples Stone / Acne Maize)
Great shape with great inflamed bumps, gathered in almost all areas of the face (different from ordinary acne that are found only in one part of the face). Acne sufferers are often lost confidence. Usually because of genetics, which has:
1. Oil glands are over-active 'flooding' the pores with oil.
2. The growth of skin cells that are not normal, can not regenerate as fast as normal skin.
3. Having an excessive response to inflammation, so leave a mark on the skin.
Prevention & Treatment
*'s Useless if you use drugs - counter acne medications as it will not be able to handle this type of acne. You should consult a dermatologist to treat it.
* For acne stone that only one-two, effective cure is to ask your dermatologist acne injected with cortisone, which makes acne is cured within 48 hours.
Acne blackheads is composed of two types. First, open comedones (blackhead) looks like an enlarged pores and black (the black one is a porous plug that changes color due to oxidation by air). Second, Blackheads are closed (whitehead), have skin that grows over the clogged pores so it looks like small white bumps under the skin.
Acne types of blackheads is caused by dead skin cells and excess oil glands in the skin. This occurs when you are not diligent in cleaning the skin so that dead skin cells accumulate and oil on the skin surface and then close the skin cells, then there was a blockage. Make up and styling products that contain oil can also aggravate the situation.
Prevention & Treatment
* Washing your face every morning and night with a cleanser containing salicylic-acid or AHA / BHA (to peel off dead skin cells) or facial scrub at least once a week.
* Use wax paper to absorb excess oil on the face.
* Routine to wear a mask for oily skin once a week.
* Eliminate blackheads with plaster pore strips that you can buy in the supermarket.
* To whiteheads, use acne medication containing salicylic-acid.
Nutrition A little on the Cold Watermelon
Eating watermelon fruit stored in the closet might taste much better than eating watermelon served at room temperature in temperature, however, for nutritional value turns cold watermelon is less nutritious, bleak say researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (U.S.).
Dalma Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reported U.S. Department of Agriculture wrote watermelon stored in room temperature had nutrition is much better than the watermelon that is stored in the refrigerator or freshly picked melons,
Penelope Perkins-Veazie and Julie Collins of the Center for Agricultural Pnelitian in Lane, Oklahoma, examining specific elements contained in the watermelon carotene - an antioxidant antidote to the elements of free radicals caused by sun or chemical elements that endanger health.
Watermelon is rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that makes watermelons and tomatoes red and may help prevent heart disease and some cancers.
Perkins-Veazie and Collins tested several variatas watermelon stored for 14 days at a temperature of 70 F (21 degrees Celsius), 55 F (13 degrees C), and 41 F (5 degrees C).
As a result, watermelon fruit stored in room temperature (27 degrees C) in air-conditioned room has a much better nutritional content. While the fruit freshly picked watermelon stored at room temperature has 40 percent more lycopene and 50 percent to 139 percent extra betacarotene which later by our bodies is converted into vitamin A.
"All the fruit watermelons used in our study had been selected by farmers and perfectly ripe when harvested," the researchers said.
They said the findings showed watermelons continue to produce fruit nutrient content after they are picked and cold temperatures slow the process.
The ability to survive and develop nutritional content of watermelon fruit is between 14 to 21 days at 13 degrees Celsius after harvest. While at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius (refrigerator), watermelon stop the process of nutrient enrichment and after a week it will rot.
Nutrition A little on the Cold Watermelon
Eating watermelon fruit stored in the closet might taste much better than eating watermelon served at room temperature in temperature, however, for nutritional value turns cold watermelon is less nutritious, bleak say researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (U.S.).
Dalma Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reported U.S. Department of Agriculture wrote watermelon stored in room temperature had nutrition is much better than the watermelon that is stored in the refrigerator or freshly picked melons,
Penelope Perkins-Veazie and Julie Collins of the Center for Agricultural Pnelitian in Lane, Oklahoma, examining specific elements contained in the watermelon carotene - an antioxidant antidote to the elements of free radicals caused by sun or chemical elements that endanger health.
Watermelon is rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that makes watermelons and tomatoes red and may help prevent heart disease and some cancers.
Perkins-Veazie and Collins tested several variatas watermelon stored for 14 days at a temperature of 70 F (21 degrees Celsius), 55 F (13 degrees C), and 41 F (5 degrees C).
As a result, watermelon fruit stored in room temperature (27 degrees C) in air-conditioned room has a much better nutritional content. While the fruit freshly picked watermelon stored at room temperature has 40 percent more lycopene and 50 percent to 139 percent extra betacarotene which later by our bodies is converted into vitamin A.
"All the fruit watermelons used in our study had been selected by farmers and perfectly ripe when harvested," the researchers said.
They said the findings showed watermelons continue to produce fruit nutrient content after they are picked and cold temperatures slow the process.
The ability to survive and develop nutritional content of watermelon fruit is between 14 to 21 days at 13 degrees Celsius after harvest. While at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius (refrigerator), watermelon stop the process of nutrient enrichment and after a week it will rot.
Nutrition A little on the Cold Watermelon
Eating Watermelon fruit stored in the closet Might taste much Better Than eating Watermelon served at room temperature in temperature, however, for nutritional value turns cold Watermelon is less nutritious, Bleak Researchers from the U.S. say Department of Agriculture (U.S.).
Dalma Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reported U.S. Department of Agriculture wrote Watermelon stored in room temperature is much nutrition Had Better Than the Watermelon That Is Stored in the refrigerator or freshly picked melons,
Penelope Perkins-Veazie and Julie Collins of the Center for Agricultural Research in Lane, Oklahoma, examining specific elements contained in the watermelon carotene - an antioxidant antidote to the elements of free radicals caused by sun or chemical elements that endanger health.
Watermelon is rich in lycopene, an antioxidant That makes watermelons and tomatoes red and May Help Prevent Some heart disease and cancers.
Perkins-Veazie and Collins tested installments variatas Watermelon stored for 14 days at a temperature of 70 F (21 degrees Celsius), 55 F (13 degrees C), and 41 F (5 degrees C).
As a result, Watermelon fruit stored in room temperature (27 degrees C) in air-conditioned room has a much better nutritional content. While the fruit freshly picked Watermelon stored at room temperature, has 40 percent more lycopene and 50 percent to 139 percent extra betacarotene the which later by our bodies is converted into vitamin A.
"All the fruit watermelons Used in our study, Had been selected by the Farmers and perfectly RIPE Pls harvested," the Researchers said.
They said the Findings showed watermelons continue to Produce fruit nutrient content after They are picked and cold temperatures slow the process.
The ability to survive and develop the nutritional content of Watermelon fruit is Between 14 to 21 days at 13 degrees Celsius after harvest. While at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius (refrigerator), Watermelon stop the process of nutrient enrichment and after a week it will from rot.
Dalma Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reported U.S. Department of Agriculture wrote watermelon stored in room temperature had nutrition is much better than the watermelon that is stored in the refrigerator or freshly picked melons,
Penelope Perkins-Veazie and Julie Collins of the Center for Agricultural Pnelitian in Lane, Oklahoma, examining specific elements contained in the watermelon carotene - an antioxidant antidote to the elements of free radicals caused by sun or chemical elements that endanger health.
Watermelon is rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that makes watermelons and tomatoes red and may help prevent heart disease and some cancers.
Perkins-Veazie and Collins tested several variatas watermelon stored for 14 days at a temperature of 70 F (21 degrees Celsius), 55 F (13 degrees C), and 41 F (5 degrees C).
As a result, watermelon fruit stored in room temperature (27 degrees C) in air-conditioned room has a much better nutritional content. While the fruit freshly picked watermelon stored at room temperature has 40 percent more lycopene and 50 percent to 139 percent extra betacarotene which later by our bodies is converted into vitamin A.
"All the fruit watermelons used in our study had been selected by farmers and perfectly ripe when harvested," the researchers said.
They said the findings showed watermelons continue to produce fruit nutrient content after they are picked and cold temperatures slow the process.
The ability to survive and develop nutritional content of watermelon fruit is between 14 to 21 days at 13 degrees Celsius after harvest. While at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius (refrigerator), watermelon stop the process of nutrient enrichment and after a week it will rot.
Nutrition A little on the Cold Watermelon
Eating watermelon fruit stored in the closet might taste much better than eating watermelon served at room temperature in temperature, however, for nutritional value turns cold watermelon is less nutritious, bleak say researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (U.S.).
Dalma Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reported U.S. Department of Agriculture wrote watermelon stored in room temperature had nutrition is much better than the watermelon that is stored in the refrigerator or freshly picked melons,
Penelope Perkins-Veazie and Julie Collins of the Center for Agricultural Pnelitian in Lane, Oklahoma, examining specific elements contained in the watermelon carotene - an antioxidant antidote to the elements of free radicals caused by sun or chemical elements that endanger health.
Watermelon is rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that makes watermelons and tomatoes red and may help prevent heart disease and some cancers.
Perkins-Veazie and Collins tested several variatas watermelon stored for 14 days at a temperature of 70 F (21 degrees Celsius), 55 F (13 degrees C), and 41 F (5 degrees C).
As a result, watermelon fruit stored in room temperature (27 degrees C) in air-conditioned room has a much better nutritional content. While the fruit freshly picked watermelon stored at room temperature has 40 percent more lycopene and 50 percent to 139 percent extra betacarotene which later by our bodies is converted into vitamin A.
"All the fruit watermelons used in our study had been selected by farmers and perfectly ripe when harvested," the researchers said.
They said the findings showed watermelons continue to produce fruit nutrient content after they are picked and cold temperatures slow the process.
The ability to survive and develop nutritional content of watermelon fruit is between 14 to 21 days at 13 degrees Celsius after harvest. While at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius (refrigerator), watermelon stop the process of nutrient enrichment and after a week it will rot.
Nutrition A little on the Cold Watermelon
Eating Watermelon fruit stored in the closet Might taste much Better Than eating Watermelon served at room temperature in temperature, however, for nutritional value turns cold Watermelon is less nutritious, Bleak Researchers from the U.S. say Department of Agriculture (U.S.).
Dalma Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reported U.S. Department of Agriculture wrote Watermelon stored in room temperature is much nutrition Had Better Than the Watermelon That Is Stored in the refrigerator or freshly picked melons,
Penelope Perkins-Veazie and Julie Collins of the Center for Agricultural Research in Lane, Oklahoma, examining specific elements contained in the watermelon carotene - an antioxidant antidote to the elements of free radicals caused by sun or chemical elements that endanger health.
Watermelon is rich in lycopene, an antioxidant That makes watermelons and tomatoes red and May Help Prevent Some heart disease and cancers.
Perkins-Veazie and Collins tested installments variatas Watermelon stored for 14 days at a temperature of 70 F (21 degrees Celsius), 55 F (13 degrees C), and 41 F (5 degrees C).
As a result, Watermelon fruit stored in room temperature (27 degrees C) in air-conditioned room has a much better nutritional content. While the fruit freshly picked Watermelon stored at room temperature, has 40 percent more lycopene and 50 percent to 139 percent extra betacarotene the which later by our bodies is converted into vitamin A.
"All the fruit watermelons Used in our study, Had been selected by the Farmers and perfectly RIPE Pls harvested," the Researchers said.
They said the Findings showed watermelons continue to Produce fruit nutrient content after They are picked and cold temperatures slow the process.
The ability to survive and develop the nutritional content of Watermelon fruit is Between 14 to 21 days at 13 degrees Celsius after harvest. While at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius (refrigerator), Watermelon stop the process of nutrient enrichment and after a week it will from rot.
Explanation At the Doctor When Treated
Some information about the disease, can you explain to the doctor, who will assist physicians in diagnosing your illness. The clearer and gives you detailed information about your illness, your doctor will make diagnosis more precise. And this will really help the doctor.
1. Note the signs and symptoms of your illness closely. Where is it, how long, how the disease first appeared, and what you feel bother? What causes this disease arise? And what makes it feel better?
2. Any medications that you take, the dosage and time you use it. In addition to drugs, is there any herbal or traditional medicine that you drink? How many times have you been drinking?
3. Tell your doctor, history of illness suffered by you as high blood pressure, heart attack or cancer, including history of disease in families.
4. Explain the operation also ever you live like an appendix operation and other operations. And have you ever admitted to hospital earlier, due to certain diseases and how long
1. Note the signs and symptoms of your illness closely. Where is it, how long, how the disease first appeared, and what you feel bother? What causes this disease arise? And what makes it feel better?
2. Any medications that you take, the dosage and time you use it. In addition to drugs, is there any herbal or traditional medicine that you drink? How many times have you been drinking?
3. Tell your doctor, history of illness suffered by you as high blood pressure, heart attack or cancer, including history of disease in families.
4. Explain the operation also ever you live like an appendix operation and other operations. And have you ever admitted to hospital earlier, due to certain diseases and how long
Dangerous Years In Marriage
MARRIAGE coveted lifetime of each pair is not easy to obtain. Need to struggle and the will together with the husband-wife to continue to protect them from year to year. Here are prone years in a marriage that need to be wary of.
These are the years that indicates, whether the couple "newlyweds" could survive in the years following. Many have succeeded beyond it, not a few also who decide to divorce. Because, in reality this is actually begun. Each side saw the real, who is her partner.
Be prepared to receive what is called depression newlyweds. After the feast, the couple occupies his own house and learn independent living as husband and wife. This is where the division of roles and the collaboration begins. There are smooth, some are clumsy. Many things are priorities that must be resolved together. About money, for example, who should regulate. Also how to spend free time together, handling in-laws, the in-laws and other extended family. Infants born later will make the whole rhythm of the father and mother changed. Obviously, all this creates a challenge as well as anxiety.
Well, in order to survive and go on smoothly, in the first years of this couple should have already started discussing about how to solve problems in case of conflicts, also discussed the expectations of each party.
Couples who can get through this period are the ones who always have a favorable view of her partner, do not give up easily, and would jointly seek a way out in every issue. Although the first years are difficult, they will still remember him as the first years are full of intimacy, intimacy, and mutual learning. No less important, could be valuable lessons and experience to take the following years.
Ever heard the expression "the seven years itch"? This is called the seven years that create a "scratchy". After years together, husband and wife really began to find patterns and rhythms of marriage is increasingly clear. However, the desire each of which is legible and the physical and emotional closeness it has not guaranteed that intimacy and intimacy continued.
After seven years in pairs, many husbands and wives who begin to get caught up in routine housekeep. Husbands and wives are also getting busy with their own affairs. Mother taking care of children who started school and growing up, my father is also busy struggling with an increasingly promising career. Not to mention the demands of a growing family needs, create more and dad busy with extra work that could generate money.
All of that brings consequences in the marriage relationship. Since each busy, time to be alone on the wane. As a result, intimacy so threatened. Even more worrying, since each busy with his own affairs and all things running routine, intimate relationships increasingly seen merely as a routine matter for biological needs only. No longer the expression of intimacy and affection. If not careful, each party may feel hot and itchy, like a person trapped. Just a little temptation or see new things more exciting outside the home, can make a commitment threatened.
That's why many an affair or infidelity that occurs after 5 or 7 years of marriage. The couple tried to get out of the things that make it saturated. Among other things, establish a relationship with someone entirely new.
To keep the passion and intimacy remains lit, do a second honeymoon, a revision of the relationship of marriage and intimacy patterns of what can be applied, according to the age of marriage. Do not expect too much that within a short time everything will change like a new bride. What is important is the desire to remain committed and renew intimacy.
In the fifteenth year, emotionally and physically, the closeness of husband and wife getting stronger. Many problems can be resolved, such as the house was bought and the family's financial well-established. But the next challenge came in this year. Just as in previous years, problems that arise are more saturation. Plus also the family togetherness of diminishing returns. For example, children who entered pre-teens, began to socialize more outside the home, and busy with school affairs. Dad is at the peak of his career, as well as working mothers.
No wonder if in the early years of easy to make an appointment for dinner with the couple at a romantic restaurant, now even hard. Difficult to ask him to spend some time making out because of preoccupations.
Physical changes of each party, for example, widened body shape or wrinkle on the face of increasingly obvious, also gave birth to its own anxiety. Each was no longer attractive and sexy in the eyes of her partner. Taste minder then arises. Concerns couples no longer excited, can result into an intimate relationship. Most of the inferior taste is realized with the refuse when asked ravished. In fact, because each party had so long slept in one bed, must have been familiar with her partner's body. Thus, the problem was actually not be a barrier in sexual intercourse. In fact, because the stronger the emotional closeness, can make intimate relationships become more stable.
Indeed, hell, do not imagine an intimate relationship with the same frequency with the newlyweds. But that must be remembered, no longer a number, but the quality. Although in one month can be counted on the fingers, do different variations to give an update. Start giving sweet surprises, such as sending an SMS to the wife, "What if we meet this evening in the hotel x and spent the night without the kids?"
Later years
Simone Signoret, famous French writer, in one of his novels to write, "The chain does not bind the marriage, but the eyes of the chain. Hundreds been associated chain every day together, which bind to continue for years. That's what makes a marriage survive, not the passion and even sex! "
Thus, although 5, 10, even 25 years of marriage have passed safely, never be complacent. There, lo, a new month to celebrate the wedding anniversary-25, then divorced. What article? Proximity sometimes make us complacent. We feel already know what the needs of couples. In fact, every human being always need a refresher and a few surprises in his life. Included in her marital life.
Although the marriage seems perfect, it could not hurt to sit down together every year, such as wedding anniversary, to look back, what exactly escaped the attention of both the concerns about the husband-wife relationship. Are we sensitive to the needs of the couple? Model intimacy and intimacy of what we want, along with age of marriage? What is a wedge or a constraint on all the things that can interfere with the relationship? Well, all that should be reviewed again, no matter how old your marriage. No one can guarantee forever will go smoothly, if each party complacent and indifferent to the situation that seems perfect marriage, but save time bomb. Well, ma'am, sir, now already know, what to do?
These are the years that indicates, whether the couple "newlyweds" could survive in the years following. Many have succeeded beyond it, not a few also who decide to divorce. Because, in reality this is actually begun. Each side saw the real, who is her partner.
Be prepared to receive what is called depression newlyweds. After the feast, the couple occupies his own house and learn independent living as husband and wife. This is where the division of roles and the collaboration begins. There are smooth, some are clumsy. Many things are priorities that must be resolved together. About money, for example, who should regulate. Also how to spend free time together, handling in-laws, the in-laws and other extended family. Infants born later will make the whole rhythm of the father and mother changed. Obviously, all this creates a challenge as well as anxiety.
Well, in order to survive and go on smoothly, in the first years of this couple should have already started discussing about how to solve problems in case of conflicts, also discussed the expectations of each party.
Couples who can get through this period are the ones who always have a favorable view of her partner, do not give up easily, and would jointly seek a way out in every issue. Although the first years are difficult, they will still remember him as the first years are full of intimacy, intimacy, and mutual learning. No less important, could be valuable lessons and experience to take the following years.
Ever heard the expression "the seven years itch"? This is called the seven years that create a "scratchy". After years together, husband and wife really began to find patterns and rhythms of marriage is increasingly clear. However, the desire each of which is legible and the physical and emotional closeness it has not guaranteed that intimacy and intimacy continued.
After seven years in pairs, many husbands and wives who begin to get caught up in routine housekeep. Husbands and wives are also getting busy with their own affairs. Mother taking care of children who started school and growing up, my father is also busy struggling with an increasingly promising career. Not to mention the demands of a growing family needs, create more and dad busy with extra work that could generate money.
All of that brings consequences in the marriage relationship. Since each busy, time to be alone on the wane. As a result, intimacy so threatened. Even more worrying, since each busy with his own affairs and all things running routine, intimate relationships increasingly seen merely as a routine matter for biological needs only. No longer the expression of intimacy and affection. If not careful, each party may feel hot and itchy, like a person trapped. Just a little temptation or see new things more exciting outside the home, can make a commitment threatened.
That's why many an affair or infidelity that occurs after 5 or 7 years of marriage. The couple tried to get out of the things that make it saturated. Among other things, establish a relationship with someone entirely new.
To keep the passion and intimacy remains lit, do a second honeymoon, a revision of the relationship of marriage and intimacy patterns of what can be applied, according to the age of marriage. Do not expect too much that within a short time everything will change like a new bride. What is important is the desire to remain committed and renew intimacy.
In the fifteenth year, emotionally and physically, the closeness of husband and wife getting stronger. Many problems can be resolved, such as the house was bought and the family's financial well-established. But the next challenge came in this year. Just as in previous years, problems that arise are more saturation. Plus also the family togetherness of diminishing returns. For example, children who entered pre-teens, began to socialize more outside the home, and busy with school affairs. Dad is at the peak of his career, as well as working mothers.
No wonder if in the early years of easy to make an appointment for dinner with the couple at a romantic restaurant, now even hard. Difficult to ask him to spend some time making out because of preoccupations.
Physical changes of each party, for example, widened body shape or wrinkle on the face of increasingly obvious, also gave birth to its own anxiety. Each was no longer attractive and sexy in the eyes of her partner. Taste minder then arises. Concerns couples no longer excited, can result into an intimate relationship. Most of the inferior taste is realized with the refuse when asked ravished. In fact, because each party had so long slept in one bed, must have been familiar with her partner's body. Thus, the problem was actually not be a barrier in sexual intercourse. In fact, because the stronger the emotional closeness, can make intimate relationships become more stable.
Indeed, hell, do not imagine an intimate relationship with the same frequency with the newlyweds. But that must be remembered, no longer a number, but the quality. Although in one month can be counted on the fingers, do different variations to give an update. Start giving sweet surprises, such as sending an SMS to the wife, "What if we meet this evening in the hotel x and spent the night without the kids?"
Later years
Simone Signoret, famous French writer, in one of his novels to write, "The chain does not bind the marriage, but the eyes of the chain. Hundreds been associated chain every day together, which bind to continue for years. That's what makes a marriage survive, not the passion and even sex! "
Thus, although 5, 10, even 25 years of marriage have passed safely, never be complacent. There, lo, a new month to celebrate the wedding anniversary-25, then divorced. What article? Proximity sometimes make us complacent. We feel already know what the needs of couples. In fact, every human being always need a refresher and a few surprises in his life. Included in her marital life.
Although the marriage seems perfect, it could not hurt to sit down together every year, such as wedding anniversary, to look back, what exactly escaped the attention of both the concerns about the husband-wife relationship. Are we sensitive to the needs of the couple? Model intimacy and intimacy of what we want, along with age of marriage? What is a wedge or a constraint on all the things that can interfere with the relationship? Well, all that should be reviewed again, no matter how old your marriage. No one can guarantee forever will go smoothly, if each party complacent and indifferent to the situation that seems perfect marriage, but save time bomb. Well, ma'am, sir, now already know, what to do?
Dangerous Years In Marriage
Friday, September 10, 2010
About Hordeolum
Hordeolum (nodule) is an infection in one or more glands
at the edge or under the eyelid.
May form more than 1 hordeolum at the same time.
Hordeolum usually occur within several days and can heal spontaneously.
Hordeolum is an acute infection of oil glands in the eyelid
caused by bacteria from the skin (usually caused by staphylococcal bacteria).
Hordeolum same as acne on the skin.
Hordeolum sometimes occur simultaneously with or after blefaritis.
Hordeolum can arise repeatedly.
Hordeolum usually start as red, tender and painful
on the edge of the eyelid.
The eyes may be watery, sensitive to bright light and sufferers feel there
something in his eyes.
Usually only a small area of the eyelid is swollen, but
sometimes the entire eyelid swells.
In the middle of the swollen area often looks small, yellowish spots.
May form an abscess (pus pocket) that tend to rupture and release
number of pus.
Hordeolum can be treated with warm compresses for 10 minutes 4 times / day.
Do not try to solve hordeolum, let alone broken.
Antibiotic cream is sometimes used for recurrent or hordeolum
settle (which is caused by bacteria).
Hordeolum internal Hordeolum is formed in the deeper glands.
More severe symptoms and rarely broken its own, because it is usually the doctor will
to cut it so the pus out.
Make sure your hands and equipment associated with the eye makeup
always clean / sterile
Always wash your hands first before touching the skin around the eyes.
Clean the eyelid area on a regular basis, to eliminate
dust and oil that accumulates, gradually.
About Hordeolum
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