What do you feel when red dots appear on the face? When the small shape is not yet too disturbing, but it is different if the acne is getting bigger and inflamed. Before you treat, you should first identify the types of acne the following:
Classical acne (common acne)
Looks easy to spot the tiny pink bumps or redness. Common causes are stress, hormones and triggers the air clammy skin produces oils that become breeding grounds for bacteria. As a result of clogged pores due to infection with bacteria.
Prevention & Treatment
Use a facial soap that contains benzoyl-peroxida, or sulfur soap to kill the bacteria that cause acne.
* If the counter acne medication does not work, go to a dermatologist to get it checked once a prescription acne medication containing vitamin A derivatives like Retin-A.
* To reduce inflammation and kill bacteria, use acne medications containing benzoyl-peroxide.
* Ointments containing antibiotics drug like Garamicyn (can be purchased free) one of them, can be tried. This ointment could kill bacteria and reduce inflammation, swelling as well.
Cystic Acne (Pimples Stone / Acne Maize)
Great shape with great inflamed bumps, gathered in almost all areas of the face (different from ordinary acne that are found only in one part of the face). Acne sufferers are often lost confidence. Usually because of genetics, which has:
1. Oil glands are over-active 'flooding' the pores with oil.
2. The growth of skin cells that are not normal, can not regenerate as fast as normal skin.
3. Having an excessive response to inflammation, so leave a mark on the skin.
Prevention & Treatment
*'s Useless if you use drugs - counter acne medications as it will not be able to handle this type of acne. You should consult a dermatologist to treat it.
* For acne stone that only one-two, effective cure is to ask your dermatologist acne injected with cortisone, which makes acne is cured within 48 hours.
Acne blackheads is composed of two types. First, open comedones (blackhead) looks like an enlarged pores and black (the black one is a porous plug that changes color due to oxidation by air). Second, Blackheads are closed (whitehead), have skin that grows over the clogged pores so it looks like small white bumps under the skin.
Acne types of blackheads is caused by dead skin cells and excess oil glands in the skin. This occurs when you are not diligent in cleaning the skin so that dead skin cells accumulate and oil on the skin surface and then close the skin cells, then there was a blockage. Make up and styling products that contain oil can also aggravate the situation.
Prevention & Treatment
* Washing your face every morning and night with a cleanser containing salicylic-acid or AHA / BHA (to peel off dead skin cells) or facial scrub at least once a week.
* Use wax paper to absorb excess oil on the face.
* Routine to wear a mask for oily skin once a week.
* Eliminate blackheads with plaster pore strips that you can buy in the supermarket.
* To whiteheads, use acne medication containing salicylic-acid.
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